Thursday, September 09, 2004

CD-Je suis Zu

The clubmonument Zubrowka made a record.With her personality,beauty and
Amanda Lear-kind of timbre,it's gonna be a hit for sure.The CD-Je suis Zu
became a big clubhit.Zu is constantly performing with it.But a mainstream
release never happened.Must be Holland.The producer says:It would be nice if
something more came out of it.For sure.I was surprised about Zu,s
professionality.The music was not finished yet,but we played a rythm,and
said,well,do it,a bit naggy she had to sound,but still fresh and outgoing.In
two takes it was finished.She was really amazing.'I dont know what people
are doing,'says Zu.'I need a clip,a clip with dancers and I thought a white
Puma or something.She sings:Je suis une femme fatale...Je suis un
animal...Je suis une cathedrale...Je suis asociale...Je suis cerebrale...Je
suis terminale.........Je suis fantastique...Je suis tres suis
magnifique...Je suis electrique...Je suis excentrique(...) Je suis jolie et
drole...Je suis ton paracetamol...Je suis...Zu.
But Zu wouldn't be Zu if she didn't spread her wings.She sent her record to
Mr.Larry Tee himself,and things started rolling.She met him at RAUW in Club
11 in Amsterdam.Now Zu is gonna do the vocals on Larry Tee's new
project.French vocals that is.So soon she will be recording in New York.Go

ZU go.

Larry Tee and Zu

Here she is with Larry Tee.They clicked immediately.Talking about Mary J.Blige,Zu told Larry:'she gave me head once' ofcourse she meant 'she gave me a hat once' and then the ice soon was broken.Now their good friends and Zu is looking forward to meet him again.She cannot wait.

Larry Tee and Zu

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Free of Charge

Ola ZU,

Bij de foto. Zal je even contacten over de bus reis naar Now en Wow.
Je hoeft niet te betalen en gaat als gastmee, op orders van Joost.
De bus vertrekt om 21.00 uur vanaf de Eurpparking. Esso tankstadion

the Golden Gnome Award 2002

In 2002 Zu Browka won the Golden Gnome Award,the alternative Oscar of Dance,for most sexy DJ.An event which takes place in Paradiso every year.If yo wanna see more go to the partyflash site and watch her on the video.In 2003 she was not nominated cause you can win this prestigeous price only once.So this is how she felt about the gnomes last year.This year she was a member of the jury,better aint it.

Blow my mind

Monday, September 06, 2004

That's what I call Titties Posted by Hello

Madonna-Ayatollah Khomeini act

Actually yesterday i played at club NLwhen this girl came to me and said she saw once an act of me performing in the roxy which was so shocking that she had to leave.The act she was reffering to was the madonna-ayatollah khomeini act,where i come on stage wearing a big cross in my hands.When i break it into blood comes flowing down all over my body.Bleeding Zu starts to fuck the ayatollah and after that she kills him.What is so shocking about that.The fact that she shows her silicone tits next to my supernature boys I found beyond shocking.Zu
I want my BOOK Posted by Hello

The book Zu

Ooit hebben ze een boek over Zu willen schrijven.Haar verhaal zou beginnen met haar onfortuinlijke vakantie,midden jaren tachtig,naar Griekenland,die zou eindigen in een gevangenisverblijf van bijna twee jaar,welke straf louter en alleen het gevolg was van een serie Wild-at-Heart-achtige misverstanden.Na ruzie op het vliegveld,een verloren paspoort,een noodgedwongen uitwijk naar een eiland als verstekeling,het kopen van hormoonpreparaten in een louche Kretenzer apotheek,het aangetroffen worden in een hotelkamer met een man die een binnenvoering van psychofarmaceutica in zijn jas had,afijn de hele roadmovie,kwam Zu als 'een heks met een baard' uiteindelijk met een Duitse laissez-passer de cel uit.Nederland noch Belgie had 'ene pest voor haar gedaan'......Het eerste hoofdstuk van haar levensverhaal zou de titel 'Ik heb die hele Akropolis nooit gezien' krijgen.Het was ongetwijfeld een bestseller geworden.
Serious Deck Boating Posted by Hello
Zu behind the Deck Posted by Hello